Give it a squat for Lifeline

63 people die by suicide every week in Australia. That's why I'm taking on the challenge to do 63 squats a day in December. I'm hoping to raise some awareness and funds for Lifeline, a 24/7 Australian crisis support service. Hope starts with me. If you read Black and Blue, you'll know Jade is strugglingContinue reading "Give it a squat for Lifeline"

Sonnet No.1 implies the existence of further sonnets

I haven't written many sonnets. I mean, they're often poems about love and I hate everyone. Just kidding. I've just traditionally been more of a free verse and blank verse girl, I guess. But I did pen my first ever sonnet earlier this year, creatively titled "Sonnet No.1". (Hey, it's good enough for Shakespeare, it'sContinue reading "Sonnet No.1 implies the existence of further sonnets"

Deodo-rant (aka I may or may not have crafted a blog post based on a pun)

I don't know who needs to hear this but your natural deodorant does not work. Everyone is just being exceedingly polite to you. Okay, I'm sure natural deodorants do work really well for some people. As in, work right away - when they're supposed to. None of this "you need to detox your armpits forContinue reading "Deodo-rant (aka I may or may not have crafted a blog post based on a pun)"

The thermogenic effect of driving

in my throat I feel my heart rising my Fitbit thinks I'm exercising but I'm just scared still. Just a little instant poem to go with my instant noodles, lol. Definitely won't win any awards... but it's based on a true story. You see, my beloved Fitbit detected 43 minutes of moderate activity from meContinue reading "The thermogenic effect of driving"

The burnout bar

Hey blog world. I'm not dead! Just really busy. And sleep deprived (yay for chronic insomnia). But it's the WA Day public holiday here in Western Australia, so I carved out some time to pen a few thoughts. And with "state daddy" Mark McGowan announcing his resignation as Premier and Member for Rockingham a weekContinue reading "The burnout bar"