Give it a squat for Lifeline

Group of women doing squats in an exercise class.

63 people die by suicide every week in Australia.

That’s why I’m taking on the challenge to do 63 squats a day in December. I’m hoping to raise some awareness and funds for Lifeline, a 24/7 Australian crisis support service.

Lee-Ann, a woman with long black hair tied into two French braids, points to the text on her dark blue T-shirt that reads "Hope starts with me".
Hope starts with me.

If you read Black and Blue, you’ll know Jade is struggling with her mental health. Even though the story is fictional, it’s no secret that I did draw heavily on my own history of depression and anxiety to get inside Jade’s head.

Lifeline helped me when I felt like I was completely alone. Now that I’m in a pretty good place, I’d like to help them continue to provide support to others. $39 enables a Lifeline crisis supporter to answer one call but every little bit is valuable.

Obviously money’s tight right now so I don’t know if I’ll be able to get people to sponsor me but I’ll give it a shot. And a lot of squats!

If you can spare a few bucks, please donate. You’ll be helping me feel better about the burning in my quads and glutes… but more importantly, you’ll be helping Lifeline save lives.

Here’s the link to the Facebook fundraising page: I’m completing 63 squats a day in December for Lifeline

You can also donate directly via my Instagram profile: @ leeannkhoh

If you can’t donate, consider sharing the fundraiser and maybe sending some words of encouragement. Like “keep going” or “get lower” or “biatch, you’re Asian, surely you came out of the womb squatting”. 😜

If you want to donate, but can’t do the Facebook/Instagram/Meta thing, let me know and we can figure something out.

Anyway, whether you can contribute a little or not, I know the festive season can be rough for people so do take care.

Aussies needing support can call 13 11 14, SMS 0477 13 11 14, or chat online. Internationals, please reach out to the relevant organisation(s) where you are.

Text reads: Support my 63 Squats a Day IN December to bring hope and save lives. Lifeline #Squats2SaveLives.
Sponsor the Lifeline #Squats2SaveLives challenge.

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